There is One Life, that Life is God, the Divine Beloved, whatever you choose to call it. It is the air we breathe; it is in, through and around everything everywhere. It is the Life Essence of all beings and all things, present in everyone and every place. It is the Divine Intelligence and mind of all that is.
Knowing that this Life Essence is in, through and around everything everywhere, I absolutely know that it is in, through and around me and all beings. I know that I am the Divine Breath of God as is everyone and everything. We are inseparably connected with this infinite intelligence. There is only oneness, and we are conscious right now of being a center in the peace and grace of Spirit.
As we move into this new year of 2025, we enter into a full awareness of our partnership with the peace, harmony, grace, and love that are the essence of the Divine. They are our essence too. A deep and abiding sense of calm and peace spreads throughout our being. The peace and power of Spirit manifests in our lives as right decisions, calm emotions, joyful relationships, and an overall sense that everything is in right and perfect order. We relax into this deep knowing, allowing it to spread throughout our mind and body. We see and experience the love, guidance and peace of Spirit at all times.
I am so incredibly grateful for all that we are, all that we have and our deep connection with the Divine Beloved, knowing that it always has our back and is always “for” us. We give thanks for the opportunities that our life provides for us, knowing that it is always for our good. We feel this Divine energy and participate fully in our life with great thanksgiving.
In releasing this prayer to the Divine, we recognize that Spirit is all there is, and we are one with the Divine. We release and let go, knowing that all is well, and it is done! And So It Is! And So We Let It Be!