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About Us

United in Spirit, love and community we celebrate Life. We inspire and nurture spirituality by living in the values of compassion, peace, prosperity, creativity, diversity, authenticity, spirituality — and fun!

Center for Spiritual Living Denver is a community of like-minded individuals engaged in universal spiritual practices to improve our own lives and make the world a better place. We celebrate our diversity and recognize that the life practice of inclusion is an important and powerful way to reveal love on this planet.

Our spiritual practices include prayer, meditation, visioning, sacred service, spiritual community, tithing, youth empowerment, education, community outreach and creative arts. We spend time together celebrating who we are as individuals and as a community. We engage in healing services, classes, creative arts projects and community outreach together.

We welcome you to join us to explore and deepen your spiritual life at the Center for Spiritual Living Denver.

What We Teach

Oneness – There is One Power and One Presence, called by many names, revealed throughout all time. There is not a force for evil, only an ignorance of good.

Triune Nature of God – A creative process in life where three aspects of God, Spirit, Soul and Body, help us understand how the One Power creates in, through and as our life.

Wholeness – We are whole, perfect and complete in every moment. We are not born with sins to be forgiven and we live within Spiritual Law that offers consequences for our actions and beliefs, thereby showing us how to live more consciously with Spirit.

Prayer – Affirmative prayer, meditation and visioning are three tools that we teach that provide for us that bring us into communion with our spiritual nature, the voice of Spirit and Divine guidance and intuition.

Words Are Creative – We teach that our words create and as we study how we use words in our lives, we discover the beliefs and assumptions that are tied to our words. We believe that as we become more conscious of our language, we change our beliefs and our lives for the better.

Abundance – We teach and seek to embody the truth that life is abundant in nature. We are conscious stewards of that which has been given to us and there is an inexhaustible, intangible, invisible source of divine intelligence, creativity, love, joy and all things good about life, always seeking to manifest in new ways.

Mental Equivalent – This term represents the spiritual law that says that our life is a representation of our mental picture

Now – This Spiritual Principle states that there is no moment but the present moment. Any sense of the past or the future is a function of our imagination in the present. Practicing being in the present moment gives us the freedom to let go of the past, receive all the inspiration of the present and not be concerned about the future. The practice of forgiveness lives in this principle, as we realize how powerful the NOW moment is, we can forgive, let go and allow for more good in our lives.

Immortality – We believe in the eternality of life. We believe that life is always evolving and that as we experience the death of our body in the life, we do not experience the death of our consciousness and that we continue to live.

Cosmic Christ – This principle speaks to the example that Jesus the Christ set with his life. It reminds us that we, too, have the Christ consciousness coded within us to be as “realized” as we can be in this life. This principle reminds us that we are all individual and unique expressions of the One Power and One Presence.

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Our Vision

We joyfully and lovingly express the power of wholeness!

Center for Spiritual Living Denver

Sunday Celebration Service
10:00 AM Service Every Sunday
You Are Welcome Here.

Historic Grant Avenue Building
216 South Grant Street
Denver, Co 80209
(No mail to this address, please)

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 300416
Denver, CO 80203

Tel: 720-295-0112


Senior Minister:  Rev. Elzia Sekou

Licensed Spiritual Practitioners are available for prayer directly after the service.

Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship after the service!

Free Parking

Free Parking is available in the parking lot and on the street.


Copyright ©2024 – Center for Spiritual Living Denver

We honor people from all walks of life and embrace all Spiritual paths. Whatever your lifestyle or journey, our spiritual communities are ready to embrace, love and accept you as you are.